Injured Citizen Receives an Unexpected Gift

Image used for swamp cooler maintenance background

If you were watching the news this week, you may have caught the story of Modesto Montano, a Rio Rancho resident who fell from his ladder and injured himself while repairing his swamp cooler on Monday. Adrian Tenorio, an astute 5th grader, noticed the incident and called 911. His quick thinking made the news, but the story doesn’t end there. … Read More

Deciding the Best Time to Run Your Cooler

Image of someone sleeping by an alarm clock

Every family has their own schedule. Between work, school, activities, and dinner, it’s important to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. Especially during the summer months! Knowing the best time of day to run your swamp cooler is the best way to maximize cooling power while

Why You Should Consider a Digital Thermostat


Summer is officially in full swing. That means the days are long, hot, and full of glorious New Mexico sunshine. Sure, there are plenty of ways to cool off – a dip in the pool, a popsicle. But, nothing beats the cool, refreshing relief of an evaporative cooling system in your home.