Reasons You Should Get a Carbon Monoxide Detector

Image of a carbon monoxide detector

Every day, we live with carbon monoxide in our air, inside and outside our homes. So, why do you need a carbon monoxide detector? TLC Plumbing has put together a list of the top reasons why you need a carbon monoxide detector in your New Mexico home.

Reasons Why You Need a Carbon Monoxide Detector

  • Leaks are Possible, Detection By Smell is Impossible – There is no way you can tell if you have a carbon monoxide leak in your house based on the look, smell, or taste of the air. This is why carbon monoxide is called a “silent killer.”
  • Detectors are Affordable – Carbon monoxide detectors save lives and are incredibly affordable. You can choose from models with different display options, memory capabilities, and standards. TLC can install one for you.
  • Reduce Danger During Winter Months – If you have a gas furnace or other gas appliances, it’s a good idea to get a carbon monoxide detector in your home. Especially since you use these appliances more in winter.
  • Protect Your Family – Carbon monoxide leaks occur for many reasons: furnace problems, obstructed air-paths, and even a warm fire in the winter. A carbon monoxide detector helps you feel safe in your home and gives you another way to protect your family from harm.
  • Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Can Be Fatal – Carbon monoxide causes over 400 deaths every year in the United States and is completely preventable.

Carbon monoxide detectors should be installed in areas where dangerous levels of carbon monoxide are most likely to rest – toward the top of the ceiling or towards the bottom. Be sure to position your detector in a place where you will be able to hear it if it goes off while you are sleeping. TLC does not recommend installing a carbon monoxide detector near areas with a lot of airflow.

If you are concerned about carbon monoxide in your home, TLC Plumbing can help. Contact us today to schedule a service visit and learn about our available carbon monoxide detectors.

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