Top 5 Stress Reducers


Stress affects most of us in some form or another. And while a little stress is ok, often times many of us have too much stress which can make you sick and wear you down both physically and mentally. It’s important to be aware of your stress levels and find ways to reduce stress. Stress means different things to different people so what is stressful you may not be for someone else. On Stress Awareness Day we wanted to share with you the top 5 stress reducers. If anything at least take a moment to think about your stress and consider if you need to reduce your stress levels. These 5 things below seem like no brainers but how many of us actually do these things to reduce our stress levels?


1. Get moving and exercise

Exercise not only reduces stress and anxiety but improves your mood while giving you more energy and keeping you focused. There are many other benefits to exercise like combating health conditions and diseases, promoting better sleep and sharpening your memory.


2. Take deep breaths

Breathing is a powerful way to control the mind and if you can just stop the mind for a minute you can decrease your stress level. We don’t typically pay much attention to breathing since it happens automatically and that’s why the expressions like “take a deep breath” are used when people are stressed or anxious. Research shows that breathing adds to better health and a productive mind.


3. Eat whole foods

While eating an orange it’s suggested that vitamin C can curb levels of stress hormones while strengthening the immune system. Having a complex carb such as bread prompts the brain to make more serotonin, the feel-good chemical. Maybe your level of stress requires some raw veggies which help ease stress purely in a mechanical way, all that munching on carrots or celery help release a clenched jaw which wards off tension. A healthy diet of whole foods can help the impact of stress by lowering your blood pressure and boosting the immune system.


4. Sleep!

Everyone knows that sleep is just as important as whole foods and exercise to enhance our well-being. When we don’t get enough sleep, our ability to manage stress is compromised. Sleep not only reduces stress but regenerates our energy level. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every night can get you into a rhythm and reset your internal clock.


5. Music

Music has a unique link to our emotions and can be used as an extremely effective stress management tool. While any music of personal preference has the potential to reduce stress, it’s said that slow and quiet music is beneficial as it slows the pulse and heart rate, while lowering blood pressure and decreasing stress level hormones.

What do you do to reduce stress? Share with us your stress relievers. And remember do what you can to reduce your stress levels. It’s important to your health!